Network of Aditya Pharmacy stores across India


We are a large retail pharmacy chain in India with a store network comprised of 60+ stores as of January 2020. We believe we have succeeded in building a retail pharmacy chain with an extensive footprint in South India by operating a store network through 4 states and 8 cities and towns. The following map shows the geographic distribution of our retail pharmacy network:

We carefully select our store sites to maximize consumer traffic, store visibility and convenience for our customers. Substantially all of our stores are located in well-established urban residential communities and prime retail locations in cities in India where living standards and consumer purchasing power are relatively high. Our stores are typically between 400 to 1400 square feet in floor area, and conduct business from 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM, seven days a week. Our stores are generally staffed with three employees per shift, including an in-store pharmacist, which in many cases also functions as the store manager.